

We encourage all neighbors in our area who are homeowners or renters to become members of the SPHA (South Pocket Homeowners Association). The more involved you are in our little community, the better we are together. You can read the President’s Membership Invitation here.

Membership is only $50/year. There are 2 easy ways to join:

  • Prefer paper? Download our membership application here and follow the instructions on the form to submit payment.
  • Prefer online payment? It’s easy with Pay Pal! (*Note: You DO NOT need to have a Pay Pal account to pay dues online.)

Members are included in our neighborhood roster, which is printed and handed out on a yearly basis. If you become a member, make sure your information is up-to-date by filling out the form below.


Please list names and phone numbers of person(s) to be contacted in case of emergency.
Police/Fire dept can use this information in an emergency.
List your pets, cat/dog/etc., breed, and their names. This information can help if they get out or are lost.
If yes, please share what name and type of business to be included in roster.