By Laws

By Laws

SPHA By-laws (as of June 2015*)


The name of this association is the South Pocket Homeowners’ Association, hereafter referred to as “SPHA”.


Any person living or owning a home within the area bordered by: Pocket Road on the North, Interstate 5 on the East, the Sacramento River on the South, and Sleepy River way/ Greenhaven Drive (including the homes on the west side of those streets or on cul-de-sacs off those streets, i.e., Sand River Court) on the west, and including all addresses on Grand River Drive to it’s western terminus, (See map of the SPHA area here. ) is eligible for membership in the SPHA. Membership dues shall be established at the discretion of the SPHA Board of Directors. The time and place of collection shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Membership shall be forfeited by any person who fails to pay their dues within 90 days after they become due and payable.


The SPHA Board of Directors shall consist of up to twelve voting members as need and participation may dictate. The duties of the Board members include:

The President shall preside at all meetings and shall perform such other duties as the Board of Directors or the membership may require. The Vice-President shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the President, and shall serve as the Chair of the Community Development Committee.

The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings and shall keep all records of the SPHA. The Secretary shall make reports to the Board of Directors or to the membership as may be required.

The Treasurer shall keep and maintain all financial records of the SPHA, and shall be responsible for the funds of the SPHA. The Treasurer shall make reports to the Board of Directors or to the membership as may be required.

The Past President shall provide continuity and a seamless flow of Association activities.

Directors-At-Large shall perform those duties the Board of Directors or the membership may require of them. These may include but are not limited to: Membership Coordinator, Newsletter Editor, Neighborhood Roster Secretary, Events Coordinator, Architectural Committee Chair, Neighborhood Security Committee Chair, Website Coordinator and Area 2 Representative. Functions of members of the Board of Directors may be combined in any way that best serves the membership including Secretary/Treasurer.

The Board of Directors shall carry out those tasks authorized by membership at SPHA General Membership Meetings. The Board of Directors shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses in conducting SPHA business.

The Board of Directors shall be elected at a General Membership Meeting held in the second quarter of each year. Each Director must be a member in good standing of the SPHA and shall serve for a one year term. There is no limitation on serving consecutive terms. Vacancies on the Board of Directors which occur between elections may be filled by the Board of Directors for the unexpired portion of the term


Committees of members of the general membership may be formed for purposes as may become necessary, including, but not limited to:

The Architectural Control Committee, hereafter referred to as “ACC”, composed of members selected by the Board of Directors.
The Neighborhood Security Committee, hereafter referred to as “NSC”, responsible for the Neighborhood watch Program and other security related projects and proposals and shall report to the Board of Directors on such matters assigned by the board.


The Board of Directors shall meet at such times and places as may be required. Four members constitute a quorum.

The SPHA General Membership shall meet at least twice per year, at times and places designated by the Board of Directors or by the membership.
Notice of the SPHA General Membership meetings may be made by email, website posting, or by written notice delivered to each member’s residence at least one week before the meeting. Notice of the Board of Directors meetings may be made by email, website posting, or by written notice delivered to each Director’s residence at least 24 hours before the meeting.

Voting in the SPHA General Membership meetings shall be on the basis of one vote per lot except for rental units. In the case of a rental unit, even though the owners may be members, the resident(s) shall have one vote- provided they have acquired and maintained membership separately from the owners. Votes shall be exercised in person only. A majority of all members present shall be sufficient for the adoption of any resolutions or transaction of other business.


Funds of the SPHA may be used only for those purposes authorized by majority vote at a General Membership meeting or by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at a meeting of said Board.


These bylaws may be amended at any General Membership meeting by a majority vote of the members present.

*Amended at the General Membership Meeting June 17, 2015